Is this a trend that will stay or not?
I am not sure if it will, but I AM HERE FOR IT!! HA! I love this trend. It is airy and bright. You know, we all secretly loved some the lovely patterns on grandma’s linen napkins and tablecloths. Admit it!
I loved the crocheting trim on the tablecloths my grandma had and the soft linen handkerchiefs with the cutest stitching of pineapples or palm prints.
I created this beautiful coastal vignette inspired by the gorgeous palm print. It reminded me of everything I loved as a kid.
The handkerchiefs, if you remember had knit and scalloped designs, and others had fun prints. There were so many pretty designs even if they were a bit gaudy, lol.
Anyhow, let me stop going off on a tangent and show you what you’re here to see.
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Ahh! I love it and if you’re here, you do too! There’s so much pattern play going on.

I am a big fan of mixing old and new, and even though there’s not much old stuff here; the wood, straw basket and vase give off some of that old timey charm, like I just borrowed them from grandma.

Let’s talk about how this is coastal. Naturally what brings out a concept such as coastal is starting with color. We automatically associate blue with the sea. The palm leaf ties in those organic prints we see in tropical plants. I LOVE the oak wood tone and the movement on the burlwood console, it is just stunning!!!
The oak wood tone is reminiscent of sand .
Thanks for stopping by!
You can find the shop links here! Hope you enjoyed a tour of the Grandmother Coastal design.