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Karina  is Owner and Principal Designer,

with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts,

Interior Design CIDA accredited.

Karina believes that design should not only be aesthetically

pleasing but should also be functional and comfortable.

Each space can represent ones very own personalty.

Karina Kaiseth Interiors, LLC will help ones vision come to fruition



Design is my passion It has always been a part of who I am. My favorite place to be is with my family, decorating for bdays, going all out with holiday decor or touching up a corner in our home. When I am not find me playing barista and curating my coffee bar. Enjoying a morning cappuccino or an afternoon cup of hot or iced coffee. 

Book a call >

As much as an Introvert Karina can be she loves being around her community and her clients. Doing what she loves helping others and hanging out with creative like minds. 

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